VACC-CZ Fórum se přesunulo na Discord

Toto fórum již není aktivní, protože jsme naši komunitu přesunuli na modernější a interaktivnější platformu Discord. Fórum ale zůstává dostupné jako cenný archiv plný historie VACC-CZ, užitečných rad a informací. Chcete-li se připojit na náš Discord server, postupujte následovně:

1. Navštivte stránku VATSIM Community Hub na adrese
2. Přihlaste se ke svému VATSIM účtu.
3. Vyberte server "VACC Czechia" a připojte se.

Těšíme se na vás na Discordu!

VACC-CZ Forum Has Moved to Discord

This forum is no longer active as we’ve moved our community to the more interactive and modern platform, Discord. However, the forum remains accessible as a valuable archive of VACC-CZ history, helpful tips, and information. To join us on Discord, follow these steps:

1. Visit the VATSIM Community Hub at
2. Log in with your VATSIM account.
3. Select the "VACC Czechia" server and join.

We look forward to seeing you on Discord!
Vše o simulátoru X-Plane.
Uživatelský avatar
By PavelS
We are very pleased to announce that XSquawkbox has been released. Developed by Ben Supnik, XSquawkBox is a plugin for the X-Plane flight simulator (versions 6, 7 and 8), allowing users to fly on-line in X-Plane.

XSB for VATSIM features:
- Integrated voice.
- Automatic voice room tuning with the com1 frequency.
- Weather from VATSIM.
- Integrated UI: the plugin appears entirely within the flight sim.
- Easy installation: install the plugin and a new menu appears for XSquawkBox - no other apps to start or clutter.
- Minimal UI: where possible things like transponder and radio tuning are done with the real x-plane panel and not a separate UI.
- CSL: XSquawkBox has a CSL format for adding additional models to XSB\'s vocabulary.

XSB is available at: