Forum zaměřené na vše o letadlech, sceneriích, addonech a ostatním z Microsoft Flight Simulatoru.
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By tmx
Obrázek ... treffer=48

Vypadá to parádně!! :)
  • Double INS/CDU system that allows manual waypoint entry but also running off an FSX XML flightplan. The INS will follow great circle flightpath
  • Hydraulics panel with realistic use of hydraulics fluids and linked to the correct flight control surfaces
  • Pneumatics, packs, cabin temperature control and cabin pressurisation control with realistic simulation (e.g. open the door end the temperature will change depending on the external temperature, cabin differential pressure based on standard atmoshere + correction for actual conditions)
  • Autopilot and autothrottle based on PID controllers working like the real thing, no FSX standard autopilot nor autothrottle used
  • ROLL and PITCH modes are simulated: enter a roll and the aircraft will maintain the current bank angle (bank is automatically limited to 25°, bank angles < 5° will have the aircraft level the wings), set the aircraft to a certain vertical speed and the aircraft will maintain the vertical speed
  • Realistic N1 limit computer
  • Fully featured overhead panel with, amongst other things, Yellow Accu Pressure simulation: No yellow accu pressure = no parking brake. Yellow accu pressure will last about 30 minutes before the parking brake is disconnected because of lack of pressurisation
  • Realistic pitch trim simulation: You can actually trim the aircraft to fly the attitude you want, not the attitude FSX \"thinks\" you want...
  • GDI+ based airspeed indicator, RMI, ADI and HSI for smooth and accurate needle movements
