VACC-CZ Fórum se přesunulo na Discord

Toto fórum již není aktivní, protože jsme naši komunitu přesunuli na modernější a interaktivnější platformu Discord. Fórum ale zůstává dostupné jako cenný archiv plný historie VACC-CZ, užitečných rad a informací. Chcete-li se připojit na náš Discord server, postupujte následovně:

1. Navštivte stránku VATSIM Community Hub na adrese
2. Přihlaste se ke svému VATSIM účtu.
3. Vyberte server "VACC Czechia" a připojte se.

Těšíme se na vás na Discordu!

VACC-CZ Forum Has Moved to Discord

This forum is no longer active as we’ve moved our community to the more interactive and modern platform, Discord. However, the forum remains accessible as a valuable archive of VACC-CZ history, helpful tips, and information. To join us on Discord, follow these steps:

1. Visit the VATSIM Community Hub at
2. Log in with your VATSIM account.
3. Select the "VACC Czechia" server and join.

We look forward to seeing you on Discord!
English spoken forum for all pilots and controlers from foreign countries. Here, you can ask any question regarding Czech VACC and so on.

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that on March 14th, 1800-2000 UTC Estonia Virtual Area Control Centre (Estonia VACC), in cooperation with Belux vACC is hosting a Controller Practical Test.
The Controller Practical Test is being held on Brussels Control. As such we extend an open invite for virtual pilots to join us in ensuring the candidate has the volume of traffic to make this an interesting, enriching and fulfilling experience for all.

We thank you in advance for supporting and look forward to seeing you there.
Some documents to assist with flight ops in Brussels FIR:

EBBR Briefing document can be found here.

Charts can be found here and scenery here.
Flightplans are available here, on vatroute or on vroute.

Once again many thanks on behalf of both VACC\'s,