[30 DEC 2017, 15-21 UTC] Warsaw Overload 2017
PříspěvekNapsal:16 pro 2017, 16:25
Dear pilots!
Polish VACC is pleased to invite you for the last event in this calendars year - Warsaw Overload 2017. On Saturday, 30th of December 2017, between 15 and 21 UTC you will have a chance to fly under full ATC coverage to or out of F. Chopin airport in Warsaw (EPWA). Our ATCOs are prepared for handling heavy traffic for 6 hours! Remember to plan additional fuel for expected holdings. Prepare for de-icing upon departure as well. We are expecting temperatures under 0 degrees!
We are planning to beat record for EPWA of 20 000 operations in 2017. For lucker who commence 20 000th operation we have a gift - one of the MK-Studios sceneries!
See you on 30th of December between 15 and 21 UTC! We are waiting for you!