Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events

The South West RTS is proud to present its annual festive Channel Islands Xmas Shopper event, on the 18th December between 1830-2130.

We will be staffing all of the Channel Islands airfields (EGJJ, EGJB & EGJA) with full area ATC.

Why not take the opportunity to do those inter-island flights like Aurigny do real world, fly in from London or mainland Europe or even from the depths of Scotland. The choice is yours as passengers swarm the Islands of tax evasion to carry out their Christmas shopping in one of the more populous of HM Crown Dependencies!

We suggest using routes from the Standard Route Document (SRD) for flights from the UK into any of the Channel Islands. If pilots do not have the latest scenery, please state so in your remarks as there are significant differences between the many versions.

Airport Charts & Scenery:
Scenery - Jersey (EGJJ): ... age38.html
All Charts: ... id=13.html