Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events

VATeir, VATSIM UK and the Dutch VACC will be staffing up Dublin (EIDW), Manchester (EGCC) and Amsterdam (EHAM) on the 29th of May between 1630 and 2030z.

This event allows you to fly from one airport to another (in any combination) whilst experiencing full ATC coverage! Below is a list of the 17 flight options available.
  • Dublin (EIDW) - Manchester (EGCC) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Dublin (EIDW) - Amsterdam (EHAM) - Dublin (EIDW)
    Dublin (EIDW) - Amsterdam (EHAM) - Manchester (EGCC)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Dublin (EIDW) - Manchester (EGCC)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Dublin (EIDW) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Amsterdam (EHAM) - Dublin (EIDW)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Amsterdam (EHAM) - Manchester (EGCC)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Dublin (EIDW) - Manchester (EGCC)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Dublin (EIDW) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Manchester (EGCC) - Dublin (EIDW)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Manchester (EGCC) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Dublin (EIDW) - Manchester (EGCC)
    Dublin (EIDW) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Dublin (EIDW)
    Manchester (EGCC) - Amsterdam (EHAM)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Dublin (EIDW)
    Amsterdam (EHAM) - Manchester (EGCC)
Event traffic will most likely be sharing the same airways, so expect it to be very busy!