Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events

In 2009, Lithuania is celebrating the first reference of her name. Name of Lithuania in written sources comes to us in the story related to the tragic end of St. Brunos mission in 1009 as described in the annals of Quedlinburg, Germany. Enough facts, lets talk about what we\'re gonna do. Lithuania vACC invites all pilots from all continents around the world to join us on exeptional event, which being held just one time in thousand years - The Millenium Of Lithuania!

We will provide NON-STOP ATC services for 1000 minutes on December 20th, from 0800 to 0040 UTC in Lithuania\'s main and biggest airport - Vilnius Intl. EYVI.

Don\'t miss the chance to be a part of Millenium show!

Date: December 20th, 2009
Time: 0800 - 0040 UTC
Place: EYVI, Vilnius International Airport, Lithuania

Charts could be found here.
Scenery could be found here.
For all additional information visit and

Kind Regards and Happy Holidays
Algimantas Radziunas
Events Director
Lithuania vACC - VATSIM - VATEUD

Pokud chcete letět do vzdálenějšího Vilniusu, je to možné kdykoliv od nedělního rána do časné pondělní noci (akce končí v 1:40 po naší půlnoci v Pondělí 21.12).