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KSFO / KOAK REAL TIME 2200z - 0400z on March 21st - 22nd, 2009

PříspěvekNapsal:20 bře 2009, 17:33
od A319CJ
Hello everyone!

Be sure to visit the \"Pilot\'s\" page ... pilots.php for a large amount of extra information, including booking information!

SFO / OAK Real Time, hosted by the brand new Virgin America Virtual Airlines, will be one of the biggest events of 09\'! For those of you unfamiliar with a Real Time event, it is basically simulating every single departure and arrival into the two hosted airports, San Francisco Intl. (KSFO) and Metropolitan Oakland Intl. (KOAK).

The event is scheduled between 3:00PM PDT - 9:00 PM PDT on March 21st, 2009. (2200z - 0400z on March 21st - 22nd, 2009).

This event will be extremely busy, and it is very important to read all the sections of this specific event as tons of information will be provided to make the whole six hours of the event easier for you, and the control.

For those of you wishing to book a flight, please visit the next page and look for the \"SFO/OAK Arrivals/Departures links under \"Briefing\" to be taken to the Virgin America Virtual Airlines page where you will find a booking form on the left hand side. ... 9/main.php