Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events
Kubo, opravdu záleží, jestli poletíš IFR, nebo VFR; tos nám pořád ještě neřekl.

Jako VFR zažádáš o povolení vstupu před omezenými prostory (naprosto stejně, jako bys vstupoval do CTR Ruzyně). Pokud poletíš jako IFR, řídící si Tě klasicky předají a Ty nemusíš v podstatě nic řešit (jen smysluplně naplánovat trať).
[quote="Michal Z."]Do SB by se to určitě hodilo, ale tohle využijem i my, pokud se připojíme VŠICHNI přes hamachi - na formace určitě nutné ;)
myslím že FSka dokáže pojmout najednou až 16 pilotů do multiplayeru ...[/quote]

Michale, já nevím, kdo je my a možná nějaký trénink probíhá off-line, ale zatím jsem nezachytil, že by ses nějakého nácviku účastnil. Také nerozumím tomu všichni, vždyť formace bude zpravidla ve dvou, nejvýš ve třech... a i s tím budete mít problém to zalétnout.

Prosím, nevymýšlej skopičny, ať to neskončí nějakou blamáží. Jsem pro každou správnou špatnou, ale musí to mít hlavu a patu. V Tvých příspěvcích zatím hlavu, ani patu nevidím. Můžeš mi tedy, prosím, odtajnit své plány?
[quote="Michal Z."]Do SB by se to určitě hodilo, ale tohle využijem i my, pokud se připojíme VŠICHNI přes hamachi - na formace určitě nutné ;)
myslím že FSka dokáže pojmout najednou až 16 pilotů do multiplayeru ...
Tolik se nás asi stejně nesejde tak by to neměl být problem, otázkou je kdo má schopnej server a tam vytvořit učet hamachi...
Našel by se tu někdo ? ;)[/quote]
Jako že by byli všichni v multiplayer session a zároveň na vatsimu? A nebyly by tam pak 2 letadla najednou?
Jinak proč hamachi, vždyť je tam to gamespy, které funguje bezvadně.

EDIT: Do sb já asi fakt neudělám, udělejte si to někdo sám z těchto modelů. :P Mně to tam totiž u několika letadel hodí chybu, nevím proč.
RR podám zprávu, Ano trening zatim probíhá v offline verzi s AI provozem (okruhy okolo Čáslavi) - jde mi jen o zdokonalování menší vzdálenosti mezi letadly ve formaci :) (Přece nás nechcete roztahaný po celé republice)

to VR : gamespy ? mužeš mi podat bližší info ? jde to i na FS2004 ? Nikdy jsem se s tím nesetkal budu rád za objasnění.
Jinak připojení přes multiplayer a zároveň VATSIM se letadla 2x nezobrazují ;)

Kind request from our side, if able and not too much trouble please use English in this topic so we can understand and follow it a bit. ;)

Status at the moment is we have 2 F-16 deployed (flown in yesterday) and 2 C-130.


Some shots of circuit training of the Bulls at Kbely

Have question, how do you pronounce in English the names of the airbases/control stations?
- Kbely
- Náměšť
- Čáslav


Have question, how do you pronounce in English the names of the airbases/control stations?
- Kbely
- Náměšť
- Čáslav

[kˈbeli] or maybe [gˈbeli] (averything shortly)
[ˈnaːmesht] (this is absolutely terrible word but I think long \'a\' and \'š\'=\'sh\' is a good start :) )

btw, this pack \'fsinn military pack pro Flying Rhino 2011 (23,38 MB)\' - contains these aircrafts mostly in CEF, SQF and RNLAF liveries. Unfortunately I\'m not able to create it for Squawk Box. :(

And the rest of this topic is about \'Can I visit military airport during fly-in with civil aircraft?\', when and where to meet to practise formation flying and so on... Nothing so important for you. :)

Edit: The link in this post has been changed with kind approval of its author. (Edited by Radek Ruban)
Hello Marcel,

Very nice pictures!

[quote="mgr"]Kind request from our side, if able and not too much trouble please use English in this topic so we can understand and follow it a bit.[/quote]

I didn’t know, you observe the topic so closely, and you would like to follow your discussion post by post. I guess it is not any problem to use only English in this threat, is it, guys? (Let’s make only one exception: for beginning pilots who can ask their queries in Czech.)

I must say I really appreciate your approach and interest! :)

[quote="mgr"]Have question, how do you pronounce in English the names of the airbases/control stations?
- Kbely
- Náměšť
- Čáslav[/quote]

I recorded right (Czech) pronunciation of Kbely, Náměšť and Čáslav (attached to this post). Especially Náměšť is, however, pretty difficult, and we of course know it. So, don’t worry if it wouldn’t be perfect. :-) We excuse the Czech pronunciation “inaccuracy” by foreign pilots every day; actually it is other way round, we are always very pleased when somebody tries to pronounce call signs correctly.

This time I have also one question, Marcel. Advise us, please, how to say in Dutch:
- hello
- good morning
- good afternoon
- good evening
- bye
- “hear you” (if there is anything like this, in English this phrase does not have any equivalent)
- thank you
- thank you very much

One more thing: a briefing for Monday event will be published today (I will also e-mail you, but just to let you know). All peaces of information will be of course in English language.

btw, this pack \'fsinn military pack pro Flying Rhino 2011 (23,38 MB)\' - contains these aircrafts mostly in CEF, SQF and RNLAF liveries. Unfortunately I\'m not able to create it for Squawk Box. :([/quote]

Vojta, has the pack been completed, yet? And if it has, can I upload it as an official “vACC CZ” material into download centre among other Rhino staffs?

If you want, e-mail me the pack (in *.zip format); you can add there a “read me” file, sign who made it up, and also mark your copy right. ;)
This time I have also one question, Marcel. Advise us, please, how to say in Dutch:
- hello
- good morning
- good afternoon
- good evening
- bye
- “hear you” (if there is anything like this, in English this phrase does not have any equivalent)
- thank you
- thank you very much

Hello = Hallo (also can use "Hoi")
Good morning = Goeden morgen
Good afternoon = Goeden middag
Good evening = Goeden avond
Bye = Doei / Doeg (more offical: Tot ziens)
Hear you = (ik) Hoor je (ik = i)
Thank you = Dank je
Thank you very much = Hartelijk bedankt

To hear how it sounds you use the following link (select "Dutch- NL Max" ... -demo.html

Dear colleagues,

I just published briefing for Monday Opening Event (cover name - Alfa Mission). See:

Please, read this briefing carefully to avoid any misunderstanding. If you don’t understand any part or find any mistake, do not hesitate to contact me (simply write in this threat).

I am also sorry for eventual grammar mistakes; the text was made up in the lack of time.

Me and all controllers are looking for you.

Best regards,
To the traffic handling in TC1 and TC2 areas - read carefully!

As you maybe noticed, the areas TC1 and TC2 are overlapping with MTMA I/II Měřín and MCTR Měřín.

Traffic in thess areas will be handled as followed:
TC1 is used for flight from RAT to JERBOA areas, only.
TC2 is used for flight from JEBROA to RAT areas, only.

Crossflying between RAT and JERBOA will be carried in FL60, only!

Flights arriving/departing to/from Měřín field airport (LKME) will be cleared to descend/climb to 4000 ft AMSL.

Flights crossing from RAT to JERBOA (and other way round) will be cleared to enter TC1/2 only after reaching/maintaining FL60, not earlier.
[quote="Radizz"]I just published briefing for Monday Opening Event (cover name - Alfa Mission). See:

Please, read this briefing carefully to avoid any misunderstanding. If you don’t understand any part or find any mistake, do not hesitate to contact me (simply write in this threat).
Why exit point from Čáslav to Jerboa is Zbýšov (about 180° from LKCV) and not Libkov (about 120° from LKCV)? Zbýšov is imo closer to TC3 than to Jerboa... ? :)
[quote="Luboš Kučera (LK 154)"]Takže si případně můžu dát na podporu trafficu nějaký IFR do Kbel nebo LKNA? Myšleno zítra.[/quote]

Luboš is not a beginning pilot..., but he probably looked over our promise to use only English in this threat.

I’ll try to translate his message:
“So can I eventually fly any IFR from Kbely to LKNA as a traffic support tomorrow?

Luboš, you of course can. Any traffic (either civil) is very welcome during all Rhino Events. If you fly over from Kbely to Náměšť, we will be pleased to provide you ATS.

But as I said before, if anyone doesn’t feel so experienced to fly a military flight, the challange will be also to fly from Brno/Ostrava to Prague or opposite way. When any areas are restricted, a flight is a bit different. :)
[quote="tmx"]Why exit point from Čáslav to Jerboa is Zbýšov (about 180° from LKCV) and not Libkov (about 120° from LKCV)? Zbýšov is imo closer to TC3 than to Jerboa... ? :)[/quote]

Vojto, there is no special reason. I admit, “Libkov” VFR exit point would be better. I chose, however, “Zbýšov”, so although it is maybe not the most effective way, let’s accept the originally published route.

It probably wouldn’t be the best to change the briefing if if it’s not right mistake. I apologize for my carelessness; the routepoint, however, remains “Zbýšov”.

Take it as one of many senseless commands, soldier. :)
[quote="Jindra"]I found an error on the chart, the WHISKEY > ALFA track should be 115 instead of 155 degrees. Hand amendment required. Thanks.[/quote]

Jindro, would it be possible to correct the chart? I find it useful also for following years; you know, anytime we postpone something, it’s finally forgotten.

So, if you have a couple of minutes, please, correct it (I hope it doesn’t take so much time) and e-mail me the new version. I’ll consequently re-issue the general briefing.

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