Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events
For the participants of PAR Mission, there are some instruction from Emiel (your tomorrow´s PAR Controller):

For the PAR approach pilots need to connect with the PAR controller via a separate program.

The program can be downloaded here:

The is no need to instal the program after download. Just run the .exe file, type in the controller\'s IP adress and hit connect and that\'s it!
The IP adress wil be provided by approach/precision

More info:

Today we tested the system and it worked properly. Emiel is looking forward, and will be very pleased to provide PAR also to civil traffic (HLX004).

My plea is not to land in Měřín with more B747. :) Otherwise there will be not enough space to park... :)

See you tomorrow, guys.
[quote="Radizz"] Emiel is looking forward, and will be very pleased to provide PAR also to civil traffic (HLX004).

My plea is not to land in Měřín with more B747. :) Otherwise there will be not enough space to park... :)

See you tomorrow, guys.[/quote]

To je výzva ;). Uvidím podle času, ale letěl jsem to možná jednou, takže bude ostuda :)

Thank you for offer. Depends on my time tomorrow. I´m not so familiar with PAR, so I expect some dishonour ;).
This year’s Rhino is over, guys.

Thanks to all participating pilots! I must, however, say I am a bit disappointed about today’s event. The lack of pilots was crazy. You had a chance to try PAR made by foreign controller, ...just two of you did it. :(

Many thank to Dutch colleagues who saved the evening from total flop.

See you next Sunday by the last say goodbye event.
[quote="Radizz"]This year’s Rhino is over, guys.

Thanks to all participating pilots! I must, however, say I am a bit disappointed about today’s event. The lack of pilots was crazy. You had a chance to try PAR made by foreign controller, ...just two of you did it. :(

Many thank to Dutch colleagues who saved the evening from total flop.

See you next Sunday by the last say goodbye event.[/quote]

Let me express thanks -- on behalf of all this year\'s Rhino participants -- to Col. Radek Ruban for all his effort to make the virtual Rhino happen! Let us not be pesimistic about the number of local pilots who participated. VATSIM has no boundaries, so there is no problem to continue having the event as much international as pilots are interested in it!

Col. Ruban, 3 steps ahead!
You are promoted to 1-Star General!
Gen. Ruban, back to line!
Let me express thanks -- on behalf of all this year\'s Rhino participants -- to Col. Radek Ruban for all his effort to make the virtual Rhino happen! Let us not be pesimistic about the number of local pilots who participated. VATSIM has no boundaries, so there is no problem to continue having the event as much international as pilots are interested in it!

Ditto!!! Many thanks on behalf of the vRNLAF to all the controllers and Czech pilots flying around!

As promised some shots from last night:

Bulls on the taxi-track:


Turning short final rwy 31


Busting Merin Highway strip at 100 ft


Landed on Merin Highway strip



Very nice. Thank you for posting.

To the topic which Radek started - in my opinion we have a little bit overshot the Rhino this year. In recent years we used to have 1-2 military evenings, but now it lasted weeks, so I think that pilots had so many occasions to fly military flights that no of our evenings was crowded, but the total number of military pilots was quite good. For next year I would do ca 2-3 event (introduction - main event - good bye event) which would be easier to support by ATCs and the concentration of pilots would be better.

However I still think that this year was very good (and faaaaar better than 2010) and I hope we will see our vRNLAF colleagues next year.

It is not only my credit, guys!

This year’s (fifth annual) FLYING RHINO was the hugest military event we ever made before. Rhino consisted of five big events, and the number of military flights was the highest we have noticed since the exercise is organized.

Furthermore, Flying Rhino became international, this year! First time, the foreigner virtual air forces accepted your invitation, and participated in the exercise. I would like to thank all members of virtual Royal Netherlands Air Force very much! They took the exercise very seriously from the very beginning. Guys, I always appreciated your enthusiasm and precision flight art. I hope you enjoyed it and you come again. You are always welcome!

Special thanks to Emiel E., the Datch ATCo who provided PAR in Měřín this Sunday evening.

From the team of organizers, I simply must thank:
- Pavel Brodský who as the civil employee always supported all events either by preparing discrete missions or by supporting the events as ACC controller,
- Lukáš Krasňan who helped very much with the promotion abroad,
- Zdeněk Linhart who is one of the junior controller, however, helped us very much by being online and sharing his real world military experience,
- Jindřich Machalínek who though time press prepared scenery liveries and materials (always without any offence, and always by my craziest wishes),
- Jáchym Vohryzek, our dear director who as every year made one of the hardest work, prepared the sct file,
- and at least but completely not less Michal Janovský who prepares every year cooler and cooler (and either crazier) patches and banners.

For sure, I forget someone... (I am sorry)

As you see the team of participating people is not small. Even so, the organization of the exercise was on the boarder of manageable by its size, this year. We will for sure discuss the single experience we did, and analyze an approach to take for upcoming years.

The biggest credit is, however, yours, dear pilots (either Dutch or Czech/either military or civil). It would not work without you and we completely know it! We really very appreciate you found time to support all events and flew under any rules, with whichever aircraft and wherever in the Czech airspace.

Many thanks!

Two more remarks:

1) Don’t forget Sunday 09 OCT 11 “Home Coming Event”. Come to say goodbye our Dutch guests on their journey home.
2) Traditional awarding will be done in following days by our air force general-in-chief, Jáchym Vohryzek.

Best regards (sloužím lidu),

I’m reminding today’s Home Coming Event. I hope our Dutch colleagues haven’t forget, and come. :)
Please, note the Rhino Areas are not active/restricted any more!

We will depart with 2 C-130 and 1 F-16 tonight. We will leave a bit early (19:45 local/ 17:45 zulu), see you tonight.

By Nathaniell
So during run to join formation with F-16 my FS crashed...sorry for that. It turned me to very bad mood because I wanted to enjoy this evening. So we will see next year. Thank you very much for the event.

Some last shots of our departure, still flying, 45 mins to go :-)

Some tight spaces on the apron.


Smoke6 in the depature


35 and 32 ready


NAF35 Downwind, NAF32 rolling


Begin of the low pass via the towers


Can you spot the NAF323


Enroute, with Smoke6 and NAF32 in trail.


Thanks to all pilots and ATC participating in the event!!


Thank you very much for wonderful event. The low passes were excellent, and also Czech wingmen were perfect (Jakub Kalnik and Vladimir Linek).

Once again, thank you all for participating. We are looking forward to see you all next year.

Look at the perfect FPL remarks the Dutch guys had. :-)

Marcel, the screens are unbelieveable.
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