Stránka 5 z 8

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:19 zář 2011, 22:39
od Radizz
Guys, thank you very much. Closer de-briefing tomorrow in the evening. Now, I am going to fall in my bed. :-)

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:19 zář 2011, 22:45
od Pavel

Nice evening. Tired LKAA_CTR is also leaving for my bed. Good night.


[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:20 zář 2011, 14:10
od roadmonster
Thank u guys, my first PAR ever in truly night IFR conditions. Workload and blackhole effect during PAR is impressive!

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 01:04
od Jindřich
Sorry for my absence past 2 days.. Recording new album with my band. Thought 10-18 will be fine, but we worked till 22:00 each day.. :-/

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 21:07
od Pavel
Hello, let me publish this briefing for tomorrow. We are going to organise an event which will be divided into two parts. In first part pilots will have a great opportunity to do some training flights, everyone at his own. In the second part we will try to fly all our military planes to Ostrava LKMT airport.

In this part pilots will be recommended to log in at Náměšť LKNA airbase with their ACFTs. All Flying Rhino 2011 restricted airspaces will be active, so pilots can prepare their own missions. For example training of group flying, air refuelling, instrument flying and approaches - whatever. It is recommended to plan all this activity in Rhino airspace (JERBOA, RAT, TCs,...) to ensure no influence on standard civil traffic.

Time: 1800 - 1900 UTC (20 - 21 loc)

Airport: Náměšť (LKNA)

AFCT type: whichever!

Flightplan:Flight Rules: VFR, Departure: LKNA, destination: LKNA, route: whatever you wish, for example RAT1 TC1 JERBOA1 JERBOA2 TC2, Flight level: VFR, but expect FL60 in TC/2 and respect the vertical dimensions of all airspace

Charts: LKNA charts + flying rhino 2011 restricted areas chart - all of them available at under Flying Rhino 2011 Basic Charts Pack v1.0. Date 23 AUG 11.

Scenery: LKNA airfield which you probably have already installed. If you are still missing Náměšť in your Addon scenery, you can get it for free here: ... lan=&menu= If you wish to enjoy photo-realistic scenery of this beautiful part of Czech republic you can download the scenery (or at least some squares) here: (but this is really optional and will not be required!)

ATC: LKNA TWR + APP (LKAA_CTR will be also online, but you will not need him).

In real world the DNY NATO (Days of NATO - airshow is taking place at Ostrava Mošnov airport. Our task is to deliver all military aircraft there and park them on the apron in order to stay there as a static preview for visitors.

Ostrava is ca. 80 NM from LKNA, but it would be probably quite difficult to get there as VFR with powerfull jets if we would have to care about civil airspace which is quite complicated there, so we will prefer IFR flight from LKNA to LKMT. We will fly normally following civil rules and ATS routes.

Time: 1900 UTC+

Airport: Náměšť (LKNA) to Ostrava Mošnov (LKMT)

AFCT type: whichever military

Flightplan:Flight Rules: IFR, Departure: LKNA, destination: LKMT, route: BNO W32 HLV (suitable both for RNAV and NONRNAV aircraft). Flight Level: 70, 90, 110, 130, 150, 170, 190, 210, 230.

Charts: LKNA charts ( -> Flying Rhino 2011 Basic Charts Pack v1.0. Date 23 AUG 11), LKAA low enroute chart (to be able to fly the route - -> Flying Rhino 2011 Basic Charts Pack v1.0. Date 23 AUG 11), LKMT charts + Standard Operational Procedures for LKMT (

Scenery LKNA ( ... lan=&menu=), LKMT (

ATC: Departure from LKNA will be controlled by LKNA TWR + APP, then you will be switched to LKAA_CTR (probably me) where you will be provided ATC services for your enroute flight and approach and landing at LKMT. There might me also LKMT TWR or APP online but I can not confirm them now, you will see.

Good luck with flight planing and I want to see you all tomorrow,
Pavel Brodsky

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 21:19
od Nathaniell
Anybody for training of group flight with me for tomorrow please? I fly L-39.

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 21:24
od Gelba
[quote="Nathaniell"]Anybody for training of group flight with me for tomorrow please? I fly L-39.[/quote]

No problem for me, i have L-39 too. So firstly we can training patterns in LKNA, and after that fly to some airspace and LKMT.

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 21:59
od tmx
I hope I\'ll fix my fsinn and join with L39 too. ;)

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:21 zář 2011, 22:44
od Radizz
Thanks, Pavel; and see you tomorrow (4+ ATCo expected).

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 00:29
od Fabo
Hey guys, what do I need to fly PAR on your event?

lt. Fabian,
Gen. M R Stefanik Transport Wing Kuchyňa

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 07:25
od Pavel
Peter, you need whichever airplane with a compass, nothing else is mandatory :-) But I can not guarantee PAR for tomorrow, we have not so much APP controllers. But on the main RHINO event on 2nd October there will be PAR on 100%.


[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 13:23
od tmx

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 16:50
od Fabo
Paja: OK, very well, then, see you on 2nd. I just asked cause on the other network, we used a little tool for that.

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 17:08
od Pavel
The main goal of PAR is that pilots dont need any tools, all tools are installed on the ATC side :-)

I am looking forward to seeing you,


[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 17:15
od Pavel
Okay, note for everyone, but especially civil pilots. Controller Practical Test at LKPR Praha Ruzyně is taking place tonight - your friend Zdeněk Linhart (real military ATC from LKPO) will try to do his best. If you are not participating at event at LKNA, please come and \"do\" some traffic for him!



[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 17:28
od tmx

FR2011 areas painted over google maps. Print for better VFR navigation. :)

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 19:44
od mgr

[quote="Pavel"]The main goal of PAR is that pilots dont need any tools, all tools are installed on the ATC side :-)
I am looking forward to seeing you,

Which extra tool do you use? Ask because the refresh rate on VATSIM is not very good you only get a update every 2 seconds or so.

At the vRNLAF we use the vPAR program (and transponder for pilots) which gives a much greater refresh rate of your radar data.



[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 19:46
od Pavel
Hi Marcel, we are using the Euroscope plugin form Gergley... The refresh rate is not so awesome, but it is extremely easy to use, so we have chosen it :-)


[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 20:50
od Fabo
Yep, the vPAR thing is the one I mentioned earlier.

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 22:42
od Jindřich
Great evening today, Rhino is perfect this year! Thanks to all pilots :-) Radar video is captured and will be available tomorrow on youtube.

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 22:57
od Radizz

Thank you very much. The event was perfect and I hope you enjoyed it, too.

Although I was “just” at TWR today, I wasn’t bored even for a second. There were all types of flights (mission flights to Rhino Areas, IFR departures, VFR training flights, some of you requested overhead approach, etc.) - really cool. And all of you were perfectly prepared and able to fulfil also very complicated instructions.

Simply awesome.

I must also apologize to Ivo Hrdlička (CEF067). In the highest peak, I cleared him to line up the active RWY, forgot it and cleared landing of other ACFTs. Ivo immediately advised me of the mistake, and because at the moment I was being pretty sure, I had not approved RWY line up, I was arguing the clearance had not been given.

I did it. The mistake was mine, and because of the rude increase of the traffic, I nearly caused the collision. I would like to very sorry for arguing, and thank for the attention of Ivo Hrdlička (he saved me from the virtual prison).

Guys, once again, thank you very much for wonderful event full of well prepared pilots. As far as I know, also civil controllers enjoyed it very much, because also civil pilots supported the event.

See you on Sunday. A briefing will be published soon. :)


[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 23:02
od Ico
Glad to see that Rhino is perfect this year :) I\'ll try visit this great event if time will be fine for me... Happy flying...

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 23:03
od Radizz
All Rhino Team also send best wishes and congratulation to our member and controller Zdeněk Linhart (the real ATCo from Přerov Airbase) who did not join military flying, today; because he was (successfully) passing the TWR exam at Prague Ruzyně.

...indeed, we have new full licensed TWR controller. :)

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 23:05
od Gelba
Thank´s very much for today service! So the general staff was successfully tranported by L-410 to Ostrava even with escort L-39 :)

[LKNA, LKME, LKCV] Flying Rhino 2011, 19.09. - 04.10.2011

PříspěvekNapsal:22 zář 2011, 23:19
od tmx
Great evening! :)

RR: Luckily you told me about vacating via D so I was quite long and high above t/d zone. But it was really surprise to see aircraft on the runway 20 meters below... :D

CEF041: If was that you making approach to Merin, I hope my map is correct, I think the airfield is between TC1 and TC2, on the map between names Merin and Lavicky