Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events

Dear pilots,

MACvACC and CrovACC are back with a new biweekly event! On 15th of March 2016, join us for city crossing between Skopje (LWSK) and Zagreb (LDZA) Airports - any way you prefer: choose direction (or, why not, fly return leg, too) and aircraft (VFR is welcome)!

We prommise you Fun and Professionalism with full ATC coverage (from TWR to CTR, probably Europe_East too) and our virtual companies flying this tour!

Charts and sceneries:
LDZA : (freeware)
          zagreb-international-ldza.phtml (payware)

See you on VATSIM,
CrovACC and MACvACC teams!