Informace o sletech a akcích u nás a v zahraničí, briefingy i debriefingy. / Fly-ins and events

The "PC-Flugtage" is a public event hosted by the German flight simulator club FSC e.v. at the "[url=http://""]Flugwerft Schleißheim[/url]", part of the "[url=http://""]Deutsches Museum[/url]". Members of Vatsim Germany are joining this event for controlling and flying on our network. This time we are covering EDDM & EDDN live from the event. You are invited to join us on this weekend.

When? 24th October 0730z-1500z and 25th October 0830z-1500z
Where? EDDM & EDDN
briefing: [url=http://""]EDDM[/url] & [url=http://""]EDDN[/url]
charts & sceneries: [url=http://""]charts & sceneries[/url]