VACC-CZ novinky, změny a oznámení.
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VATSIM Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
Issued by Richard Jenkins (800012), 31-May-2012 20:00 UTC __________________________________________________________________________ is proud to announce “ VATSIM Daily…Information Alpha”, a daily publication by to reach the global flightsim community. Please take a minute to stop and take a look. Articles will include VATSIM news, reviews and product release information from various flightsim sites, aviation news, and training information for VATSIM pilots and controllers.
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VATSIM Notice to Airmen (NOTAM)
Issued by Richard Jenkins (800012), 23-May-2012 16:12 UTC __________________________________________________________________________

VATSIM has started the initial planning phase of a new open source pilot client. One of the initial questions that needs to be addressed is what simulator platforms should be supported by this client. We need as many members as possible to complete the poll! You can login to the VATSIM forum using your network ID and password.

Poll located here:
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The VATEUD site is experiencing some technical difficulties. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please do not try to visit the website as it has been hacked and may cause damage to your computer.
Kilian Thornton- VATEUD6
By rc_czech
[quote="VATEUD Facebook profile"]The VATEUD site is back up and running after some technical difficulties experienced today. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.[/quote]
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VATEUD Staff Vacancy - VATEUD3 - Pilot Training Director

As a key member of the Division the Pilot Training Director role is to oversee the growth and promotion of Pilot Training in VATEUD, and continue the expansion of the current VATEUD ATO into the vACC\'s

Aide the Division and its Pilot Training Partners in implementing the VATSIM Pilot Training Ratings, Identify vACCs that need support and provide assistance creating a Pilot Training Department, Oversee the performance of the various vACC Pilot Training Departments across the division, Facilitate Pilot Skill Tests within vACCs where divisional involvement is required, Maintain and develop the divisional Training Pages in respect to pilot training

Must be 18 years of age or more and preferably possess a minimum of 24 months VATSIM membership, A member in good standing within VATSIM, vACC or VA staff experience would be a plus, Having a VATSIM P1 pilot rating or above would be advantageous, Good level of English, other European languages advantageous, Expected to be able to commit approx 7 hours per week to the tasks at hand.

This is one of the most demanding positions within the division, however, it is also a rewarding one. The successful candidate must be a good communicator, have a clear vision and be prepared to commit for the longer-term, 1-2 years at least.

Please submit your applications to Martin Bergin, VATEUD1 at

Closing date for all applications is Sunday 26th August 2012 2359Z.

To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck \"Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email.\" in your profile.

You can view the full announcement by following this link: ... ic.php?t=3

The VATSIM Europe Division Team.
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By Pavel
Servery vatsimu podstoupí v následujících dvou dnech údržbu. Je možné, že nebude zaručena nepřetržitá dostupnost serverů pro piloty a ATC, stejně tak jako jsou očekávány výpadky některých webových služeb.

The VATSIM servers will experience maintenance over the next two days. While we will try to not affect pilot and ATC connections, there is no guarantee they won\'t be affected. Usually switching to an alternative server will alleviate this problem. Some web services may also be affected on specific servers and may not be available for short periods of time.
The forums will not be affected and you can find updates posted here if things don\'t go as planned and we need to communicate any additional downtime or loss of services.
Thank you for your patience with these important upgrades and thank you for your support of VATSIM.

Kyle Ramsey
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By Pavel
Takže aktualizace stavu: odešel jim jeden disk z RAID, snaží se to vyřešit, o problémech s počasím, a všemi webovými službami se ví. Samotná síť VATSIM tímto není nejspíš nijak omezena, jen doprovodné služby.

Při připojování prosím posílejte letové plánky přes rozhraní v připojovacím software, podání FPL přes webové rozhraní není v provozu.

Až se podaří problém vyřešit, tak první co naskočí zpět bude počasí - podle toho poznáme, že se něco dějě. Po počasí budou následovat ostatní věci.

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By Schindler
Další aktualizace stavu:

Momentálně již probíhá obnovování databází, přičemž databáze statistik bude kvůli velké velikosti obnovena jako poslední. Některé služby již byly zprovozěny, např. je zprovozněn DNS a poskytování počasí. Ostatní služby budou následovat ráno.

EDIT: \"Who is online\" stránka je dostupná na a vroute už taky funguje.
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By Schindler
[quote="JKol"]Opravené souhlas, ale kdo se trochu vyzná ve stavařině ví, ze cementobetonovej potěr musí schnout v tomhle případě bych to viděl tak na 3/4 měsíce, cili stále budeme mít 12/30 :)[/quote]

Jsi trochu mimo, přečti si, čeho se téma týká :)
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By JKol
From: Daniel Conrad, Communication & Marketing Director VATEUD6

To: VACCs & VAs within VATEUD & VATUK

Subject: VATEUD full coverage & Review 2013

To all VACC´s and VA’s within VATEUD and VATUK

Dear fellow VATSIM Members,

In a few short weeks, 2013 will be behind us. Over the past 12 months it has been a pleasure for me to be part of the VATEUD team and with all the fantastic VACCs we have in Europe.

We have had a number of exciting events such as the Balkans United, which was the first of its kind on VATSIM, the Trans Europe Express, two versions of Cross the Pond, Cross the Mediterranean, and at lastly the VATEUD full coverage event held last week. I would like thank you for your support with each event!!!

The most important aspect of these events is the opportunity to get in contact with other Divisions or Regions and to improve and plan events that are a little bit larger than the normal “cityhopping” events.

The activities in 2013 have be educational to say the least, and we can look forward using the lessons learnt to improve events and activities in 2014. In summary I think we all can be proud what we did on VA-, VACC-, Divisional and Regional level in 2013, and in particular, the way we portrayed the European divisions as one of the most active Divisions in VATSIM.

2014 will be a year full of work and fun. Beside the “normal” events as in 2013, we have the W14 VATSIM Global Conference in May 2014 in Vienna. It will be a great pleasure for me to welcome you personally to my home town and also to having a good time. You will get more information about W14 in the next few days.

It has been a great pleasure for me to work with all of you and I am looking forward to 2014, another year full of activity on the VATSIM network. I wish you, your family and all of your VACC or VA members Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Best wishes