Diskuze sdružující všechny mise Czech Air Force Virtual.

VATMILEX 2016: Goosebay

Jak již psal, ve dnech 31.3 - 3.4. 2016 proběhne mezinárodní cvičení virtuálních vzdušných sil na kanadské základně Goosebay. Přihlášených je již 51 pilotů, takže to vypadá na slušnou účast.

Jelikož jsem hlava děravá, a špatně jsem pochopil deadline k registraci pilotů, tak vypadá, že je dnes poslední šance. Proto všichni, kteří mají zájem musí dnes bezpodmínečně vyplnit registrační formulář zde: http://vatmilex.simairforce.com/

Předeslal jsem na meetingu k akci, že jsme v taktickém ohledu začátečníci a že se budeme účastnit nejspíš Air-to-Ground operací, popřípadě Air-to-Air spíše jako pozorovatelé.
Služby ATC budou poskytovány v časových oknech, ale nějaké mise se budou dát létat i bez ATC.

Volací znak pro stíhací letouny (L-39, L-159, JAS-39) uveděte jako PEGAS a VSO indentifikation: CEF+váš index
Vrtulníky: SHAKER; VSO indentifikation: CEF+váš index
Dopraváky: (Jindřich nechť si vymyslí taktickou volačku pro DC-9, pokud poletí)
; VSO indentifikation: CEF+váš index

Podrobnější info k eventu zde: http://cefvirtual.cz/files/Organizational flow of VATMILEX__ 2016_2.0


VATMILEX 2016 is addressing VATSIM accredited virtual special operation airlines (VSO). The exercise is prepared to support Microsoft Flight Simulator FS9 and FSX. Lockheed P3D will be supported within the limits of its backward compatibility. VATMILEX 2016 will be hosted on the VATSIM Network.

VATMILEX 2016 as tactical exercise for virtual fighter bombers follows different goals:

    Continued training in low altitude navigation
    Training in identification of ground targets
    Training in air-to-ground activities
    Cooperation with ATC and Command & Reporting Center (CRC) (TBC)
    Training in air-to-air-refueling (AAR) procedures (TBC)
    Cooperation with airborne-early-warning (AEW) capabilities (TBC)
    Training of air-to-air operations conducted by AEW or CRC capabilities (TBC)
    Training of rotary-wing- and airborne-operations
    Integration of carrier-based air-naval forces

Missions will be organized by air-traffic-orders (ATO), describing the mission by geographical data (waypoints of a flight plan, Target areas, refueling anchors etc.) and tactical goals (reconnaissance, counter-air, AAR etc.)

Missions will be conducted by CRC, AEW or exercise-control (EXCON)

(TBC) in cooperation with tasked aircraft. Exercise-assessment will be realized by screenshots of participating aircraft and screenshots of the recognized air picture (RAP) by AEW capabilities. (TBC)

VATMILEX 2016 is following this time schedule:

    Thursday, March 31st 2016, transfer from home base to Goosebay CYYR;
    Friday, April 1st 2016, familiarization flights (ATC, CRC, AEW);
    Saturday, April 2nd 2016, conducting the exercise and
    Sunday, April 3rd, return to home base.

Daily battle-rhythm will be run from 2300z-0200z and 1300z-1600z.
Prosím aktualizujte si Participation form, jinak vám nebude potvrzena účast!

Konkrétně se to týká Jindřicha, Vládi a Filipa
Callsing: Pokud budete primárně létat stíhačky tak PEGAS+číslo, Vrtulníky SHAKER+číslo, Dopraváky - nechám na vás
VSO Identifer: CEF + váš CEFv INDEX
+Vyplnit všechny časy, kdy se účastníte


As of right now, we have 59 pilots registered for VATMILEX. That's excellent news! It's great to see the amount of participation coming from the VSO community to collaborate and work together as one team. This is exactly what VATMILEX was intended for to show a joint effort across multile VSO's. With that in mind, here are a few recent notes:

    If you haven't logged in to the website, please do so. I have no added in additional code in a few days due to real-world priorities but I will be updating with the scenery links, updated ATO, and a MISREP form so pilots can start filing their flights inbound to the area if they choose.
    To date, 21 pilots have not completed the Participation Form. If you have not completed it, please login and do so as soon as possibly. Each pilot's participation form is an important part of the planning process for the exercise. We need to know the information to also give available controllers, CRC, ExCon and AEW an idea of how much traffic they will be handling. The button for the Participation From will have a tag stating "Completed" if you have already filled out the form.
    A dedicated member from each VSO will be allowed access to the administrative area to create ATO's for their pilots. An example of that is already available on the tasking screen where I have created an inbound and outbound ATO for SIMAF pilots. If you would like access, please email me as soon as possible so that I can grant you the access.
    The tasking list will be available to every pilot. Multiple pilots may fly the same ATO so keep that in mind when flying the missions. The system will keep track of what you and other pilots have flown. Pilots will only be able to fly each ATO once.
    The ATO's and SPINS have been updated to include additional taskings for naval warfare units. These will be updated and posted by 0800 EST tomorrow.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please let me know.


Jason Norment
Naposledy upravil(a) Gelba dne 21 bře 2016, 11:48, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Já poletím z ČR s tím Challengerem, případně můžu vzít něco většího. Nevím, jestli má CEF natolik veké letadlo, aby, když už bych to brala, to uvezlo aspoň dva vrtulníky.
Akorát zrovna ve čtvrtek a v pátek máme v práci nějakou megapráci, takže netuším (resp. tuším) kdy dorazím: ve čtvrtek úplně pozdě, v pátek trochu pozdě. Pokud bych letěla ve čtvrtek, tak kolem půl desáté večer. V pátek někdy k večeru (ale to už tam ty letadla mají být a lítat tam).
Obecně to časování mají navržené pěkně pitomě. Jsem zvědavá, kdo jim to poletí ve čtvrtek a v pátek odpoledne. A chaotické je to tedy značně. Stejně jim půlka těch lidí nedorazí nebo dorazí jindy, než avizovala. Ale tak aspoň mají snahu, no, to se cení.
Já jsem na tom dost bídně časově, takže nevím jestli jsem schopen ještě někam narvat přelet přes louži. A jestli tak nějakou noc. Každopádně angláni ty to skutečně odkroutili s tankerem až do Kanady...Takže výzva to každopádně je. Ale když mě někdo odveze Ruslanem nebo Globemasterem, tak se zlobit nebudu :D

Bylo by taky dobré se asi domluvit jestli nějaký den dáme společné létání, abychom se všichni sešli.
GOOSE Airport "CYYR"
UTC -3.5

Start akce :

Čtvrtek       2300Z - 0200Z 1300Z - 1600Z Other
        LOC Canada 1930 - 2230 0930 - 1230 -
! Pátek LOC ČR 0100 - 0400 1500 - 1800 -

Jak to tedy vidíte ? dáme si jednu noční a jednu odpolední ? :)

varianty :

1. Sobota 0100 - 0400 spánek, oběd a 1500 - 1800 ?
2. Případně odpolední v pátek místo soboty noční ? tj. 1500 - 1800
3. hoďte návrh :)
Jsme vyrazili s MZ dneska v 18:00 se všema plnýma nádržema (podvěšeno 3x1300 litrů external plus plnej vnitřek - 800kg pod MTOW) z Čáslavi do Keflaviku. Preventivně jsme si dotankovali během letu cca 1000 litrů, ale pokud bysme letěli od začátku v 15 km (FL490) tak to fakt těch 2800 deklarovaných km uletí. Zítra se nějak solo přeletíme do Goosebay. Poletím cca v 1400 ZULU  z BIKF, kdyby se chtěl někdo přidat, jsem pro. Pár fotek.
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Naposledy upravil(a) Jindřich dne 31 bře 2016, 23:04, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Tak čáslavská 9244 dosedla za rozbřesku s několika hodinovým zpožděním na dráhu v Keflaviku.
dddd.png (416.14 KiB) Zobrazeno 8320 x
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Naposledy upravil(a) Gelba dne 01 dub 2016, 04:45, celkem upraveno 1 x.
Please make sure you have updated your profile so we know what air-frame, sim platform, and weapons system you plan on using for the event. We are trying to get an accurate count so we can address the scenery, etc. accordingly.

Sean Peterson
Director of Virtual Airlines & Special Operations Administration

It's very important to make sure that all of our registered pilot's have downloaded and installed Discord. You can find information about it here. Once you have downloaded the app for windows and registered you will need to join the VATMILEX channel. You can do so by going to this link once you have discord up and running. If you have any questions you can contact Jason Norment or myself and we will try to get back to you ASAP.

Sean Peterson


The resources for the exercise are available on the website. You can download the SPINS, scenery, and additional documentation. More links will be posted as it becomes available. We are currently working on converting the FSX scenery to X-Plane.


Jason Norment
VATMILEX Administrator
"Dear Petra Ondrackova,

I have made a VATMILEX Facebook Group so that all pilot's can post pictures of their missions, etc. and have a forum for a group discussion. You can signup for the group here.

One other thing I wanted to bring up is the names being used on Discord. May I suggest that we use our real names and who you fly for, so we know who we are talking to. Doesn't really matter the format maybe something like A1001 vLtGen. Sean Peterson - vUSAF or something to that nature.I think this will make it easier for all of us in the long run.

Thanks for your time.

Sean Peterson
Director of Virtual Airlines & Special Operations Administration
"This morning I made several changes to the website that are listed below:

    If you selected "Remember Me" during the login, the homepage will recognize this and give a link to "Return to Dashboard" instead of "Register/Login"
    If you selected "Remember Me" during the login, the login page will automatically return you to the dashboard.
    Participation form has now been updated with current VUL information for this year
    Profiles will now display "VSO Identifier" callsigns and selected VUL information after the form has been completed
    Emails will now include an "unsubscribe" link that will deactivate a pilots account with VATMILEX and remove all future mailings.
    The deactivation link is also now included on the login page of the website

In the next couple of days, I will be updating the administrative functions of the MISREPs so that they may be approved/rejected/edited. I will also be streamlining front-end and back-end ATO functions. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at csaf@simairforce.com


sCSAF Jason Norment - SIMAF
Už to ani nečtu, přeposílám...

"After doing some testing last night and speaking with pilot's that were having the same type of scenery issue as I was experiencing, I'm going to update the AFCAD for RKSO with one that Matrin did late last night. I'm also going to update RKJK, RJSM, RKTY, and RJTY by removing all the static cargo aircraft and a few variouc static aircraft. This will help in the parking issue that I can forsee occuring. I will also be adjusting the airport parking for some of the cargo aircraft by moving them to RJSM as well. This is where the main airlift wing is located for missions throughout East Asia. Once I get the scenery changes completed I will update the website and send out an email as well. The Spins and Aircraft Location ,pdf will be updated as well.

Sean Peterson
Director of Virtual Airlines & Special Operations Administration
Nevím, kam ten svět spěje. Potřeba číst odspoda.

You have been removed. Enjoy your day!

From: Jindřich Machalínek [mailto:jima1@email.cz]
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2017 7:02 PM
To: Jason Norment <vatmilex@simairforce.com>
Cc: 'Sean Peterson' <D_stickman@hotmail.com>; secaf@simairforce.com
Subject: RE: Tac-Pack FSX@War Scenery Released.

Oh, Jason and guys..

We're on official "nowadays" - trend communication? That is established between NATO and #!!?&@jj"!!?
Is this a group of normal people or are we all affected by a local politics or bussines shit?
Are you sure you read and understood the facts I wrote in my original email?
I'll mention it again:
Unsubscribe link throws SQL error (also some other random clicks elswhere on the web I tried do the same)
2016: - No ATC at no time at all even if we announce our arrival time from Europe few days ago.
2016: - No ATC during any exersice we announce or only unexperienced GND
2016: - Terrible sceneries design which were screenshot-less.
The facts were said.

Please, guys, respond as a normal man, not like most important VIP officials...
I am still wondering we put our Nightingale into service, but make it less a miracle.



---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Jason Norment <vatmilex@simairforce.com>
Komu: 'Jindřich Machalínek' <jima1@email.cz>
Datum: 18. 3. 2017 23:38:44
Předmět: RE: Tac-Pack FSX@War Scenery Released.


I apologize that the inconvenience of hard work from various groups of people is unsatisfactory to you. This exercise is an evolving work in progress being performed by talented folks from around the globe whom also have real-world responsibilities that come before our virtual hobbies. It’s unfortunate that last year’s exercise wasn’t to your liking. Furthermore, your lack of input toward this exercise prior to you ill-placed feedback email was non-existent. However, I will do you the honor and submit your name into a form on the website that was explained in detail in one of the various emails you received regarding how to deactivate your account. The website is being updated daily to help work out the bugs and errors thanks to the effort of pilots who are actually interested in making this a successful event for everyone.

The “worthless” emails will cease shortly and you will receive a verification email.

Thank you,

Jason Norment

From: Jindřich Machalínek [mailto:jima1@email.cz]
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2017 6:14 PM
To: VATMILEX 2017 <vatmilex@simairforce.com>
Subject: Re: Tac-Pack FSX@War Scenery Released.

Sorry VATMILEX, could you please remove me completely from your mailing list?
Nice you have unsucsribe link, but, have you ever try to click it? As most parts of your website, this unsucsribe link also crashes on SQL error.

The idea of VATMILEX is great, but the execution is terrible. We in VACC-CZ made lot of effort last year to be a representative military group, but as we approach Goose Bay, there were NO ATC all the time, the sceneries were screenshotless... And for 2017 we must install some 3-rd party software for communication? Why???

I am getting 1-2 emails from you always starting the same and then discribing worthless information about trees you are looking for a scenery. I am not reading your emails any longer.

So please remove me manually from VATMILEX database.

Njn. Chápu tvoje rozhořčení, ale na druhou stranu má Jason pravdu, že jsme ty připomínky k nedostatkům měli podat hned a ne za rok. Fakt, že ty maily chodí, znamená, že na tom eventu evidetně lidi dělají a tráví tím spoustu času a pravděpodobně se snaží, aby ten event proběhl co nejlépe. A chápu tu litanii, co ti napsal. Oni tím tráví svůj volný čas, který by mohli věnovat čemukoli jinému a dostanou akorát vynadáno. A ano, tvoje připomínky jsou k věci a jejich odpověď je citově zabarvený výlev. Je to přesně ta frustrace, kterou cítí každý, kdo se ve svém volném čase o něco stará jak nejlíp v rámci svých možností umí, nikdo ho nechválí a pak akorát dostane po šlapkách.
Jenže oni se k tomu staví prostě špatně. Vymýšlejí milion formulářů, které musíš vyplnit před letem, pak po letu sama sebe zhodnotíš. ATC nikde, i přesto, že musíš vyplnit jeden z jim určených termínů, kdy chceš letět. Prostě je to postavený na hlavu. Krom toho na každé druhé webovce SQL error. My když jsme dělali Rhino, tak bylo papírování minimum, hodnocení letu prováděli zkušení řídící, bylo zajištěno pokrytí...